Tranquility Is in the Heart
* The Believer is he who says “I was waiting for this” when
something good or evil befalls him. He who believes in Allahu The All Knoweth Qada and Qadar is free from sadness.
* Tranquility is in the heart, not the other places. The tranquility
of the heart and happiness of the human is through the remembrance of Allahu The All Knoweth.
* Dhikr is several types. Reading the Qur’an al-Karim is a
dhikr. Reading a religious book written correctly is a dhikr. Suhbah is a
dhikr. Salat is a dhikr. That is, dhikr is to remember Allah Rabul Jalalluh. It is to remember
Him one way or the other. Comfort and tranquility are through dhikr.
* An Islamic scholar has two qualities. The first is tawaduq.
One who knows Allah Rabul Jalalluh cannot raise one’s head. The more one knows Him,
the more one fears Him. True scholars are the ones who fear Him the most. The
second quality is Naql. Our religion is based on Naql.
* If there is no sincerity (Ikhlas) anywhere, there are worldly concerns
and Dunya there. Ikhlas means the hereafter and means for the sake of Allah.
* Ailments are the zakat of the body.
* One who thinks of religious superiors continuously gets
fayd continuously.
* There is dissolution for all perfections. Dissolution
begins after 40 years of age.
* This world is not bad. What is bad is to love it. There
cannot be two fears in a heart. One who fears the world will not fear the
hereafter. There are two ways in worldly life:
1. an airless long tunnel,
2. a tunnel that is airy and full of joy.
Those who go through the airless tunnel will attain comfort
and will be free from troubles in the end. Those who go through the tunnel that
is airy and full of joy will fall into the pit of Hell and will be distressful.
* If you have the Aqidah of Ahl as-Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah and
are on the path of the religious superiors, then it would be rubbish compared
with the blessing you have if you were given 40 thousand worlds.
* Despair is haram and a grave sin.
* A wise person does much work in a short period of time.
* Let the one who wants safety not value the world. Let one who
wants Karamah value what is endless.
* The world is disparaged just because people sin against
Allahu The All Knoweth in it, not for its soil or stone.
* An Ahl as-Sunnah Muslim is a selected person. Whoever has
this blessing, it means that Allahu The All Knoweth has honored him with the greatest
blessing. One should appreciate it. Iman in the heart is very important. One
attains guidance with only one word and one may go out of the fold of Islam
with only one word. We must exert efforts to preserve iman. One should walk on
this mines-laid field called Dunya without stepping on them. To this end, a
guide, a mentor is needed. The guide strives so that one may not step on mines
or affected by them. If one loses iman, it means one has shattered. Imam-ı Rabbani tells the remedy for safety against this danger;
“The most
important and best deed to do in the world is to be with the friends of Allah.”
* The agent represents the principal. Upsetting the agent
means upsetting the principal. Objections to the agent mean objections to the
* Giving is highly important. Always be the giver, not the receiver. The reason for this is that Islam is the religion of giving, and it
grew by giving. One is given after one gives. One cannot receive without first
* Whoever gets a masjid done,
even if it is as little as a bird’s nest, Allahu The All Knoweth will give him a big