In the Name of Allah The Compassionate and The Merciful
"O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the Hereafter that is the home that will remain forever."
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Islam is not a new religion, it is the same since the time of Prophet Adam, Prophet Noah, Prophet Abraham, Prophet Moses, Prophet Isa (Jesus) and the final Prophet Muhammad SAW. Islam today in its own entity is the world's second largest religion with a following of almost two billion people called Muslims. From the very beginning Islam is a heavenly religion belongs to the Semitic family. The final revelation is propagated by the Prophet Muhammad SAW in Arabia in the 7th century AD. The Arabic term Islam, literally "surrender," Enlightens the fundamental religious principles of Islam--which the believer (Muslim)) accepts "surrender to the will of Allah SWT." Allah SWT is the only one worthy of worship, Allah the Creator, The Sustainer, Restorer of the world and the Entire Universe. To the will of Allah, to which man must submit and worship is made known through the sacred scriptures, the Qur'an (Koran), which Allah SWT revealed to his messenger, Muhammad SAW. In Islam Muhammad SAW is considered the last of a series of prophets send by Allah SWT and his message finalized and abrogates the "revelations" attributed to earlier prophets.
Muslims believe that individuals are accountable to Allah SWT for their actions. It is also fundamental for Muslims to also believe in the Day of Judgment, when all human beings will be called upon to render a complete account of their acts of commission and omission in their worldly life on earth.
The judgment will rest on one question: Did man conduct himself, in submission to Allah the Almighty, in strict conformity with the truth revealed to Muhammad SAW, and with the conviction that he will be held responsible for his conduct in life on the Day of Judgment? If the answer is yes, the reward will be Paradise. If not, Hell will be the punishment.
Belief in the hereafter divides people into three distinct categories:
- There are those who do not believe in the hereafter and regard life on this earth as the only life.
- Those people who do not deny the hereafter, but who depend on the intercession or atonement of someone to absolve them of their sins.
- And those people who believe in the hereafter in the form in which Islam presented. They do not delude themselves that they have any special relationship with Allah SWT, or that anyone can intercede on their behalf.
They know that they alone are responsible for their actions. For them the belief in the hereafter becomes a great moral force so with holding the fundamental of believed.
A person who has the conviction that he is fully accountable for all his actions finds a permanent observer, stationed within him, who cautions him and admonishes him whenever he deviates from the right path.
There may be no court to summon him, no policemen to apprehend him, no witnesses to accuse him, and no public opinion to press him, but the guard within him is ever on the alert, ready to seize him whenever he transgresses. The consciousness of this inner presence makes man fear Allah SWT even when he is all by himself. He discharges his duties honestly, and refrains from doing anything which is prohibited. Should he succumb to temptation, and violate the law of Allah, he is ever ready to offer sincere regrets, and enter into a firm contract of repentant that he will not repeat the sin. (Mistake)