

Monotheism is not simply a theoretical doctrine in Islam – belief in God is not like believing earth is the third planet from the sun, or that the molecular composition of water is H2O. Rather, the Islamic concept of God’s oneness – known in arabic as Tauhid – acts as paradigm for viewing life with meaning, and serves as a trans-formative force in every aspect of life. Tauhid entails that God alone is the priority in one’s life, the ultimate aim of one’s striving, devotion, obedience and adoration, that He alone is worthy of worship, and there is nothing comparable to His Divine Majesty and Power.

That is Allah, your Lord; there is no deity except Him, the Creator of all things, so worship Him. And He is the Guardian of all things. (Qur’an 6:102)

Tauhid can be simply divided into two components, with separate questions tied to each:

1. Tauhid al-Ma’rifah wal-Ithbat (Tauhid of knowledge and affirmation) – Who is Allah? What are His Divine Names and Attributes? How has Allah described Himself in His revelation and what does Allah want us to know about Him?

2. Tauhid al-Qasd wal-Talab (Tauhid of devotion and seeking) – How do I come closer to Allah? What does Allah want from Me? How can I live my life according to His Divine Guidance?

The two categories are fundamentally connected. Everything that a person learns about Allah guides him or her towards the right course of action to take in life. When you learn that 
"Allah is the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate"
 (Qur’an 1:1), 

you are motivated to show mercy and compassion to others to get a deeper understanding of what it means to show mercy and compassion. Once you do, you come closer to Allah in a very profound way. When you learn that Allah is Most Generous, you are motivated to show gratitude towards Allah and increase in generosity towards others. When you learn that Allah is the Most Just, you appreciate the value of striving to establish justice. The famous scholar of Islamic theology and spiritual psychology, Imam Ibn al-Qayyim (d.751H), wrote:
“Allah loves His Names and Attributes, and Allah loves to the consequences of His Attributes and their manifestations upon the servants. Just as Allah is beautiful, so He loves beauty; As He is Most Forgiving, He loves forgiveness; as He is Most Generous, He loves generosity; as He is All-Knowing, he loves the people of knowledge… So because Allah loves those who emulate His Attributes, He is with them according to how much of these qualities they reflect, and this is a special and unique type of companionship…”.
Therefore, establishing Tauhid plays a fundamental psychological role in motivating the human being to undergo moral development and strive to maximize one’s potential as a vehicle of Allah’s Divine Mercy to others.